Saturday, December 9, 2017

Let It Snow!

Many people I know bemoan and complain about winter and the snow.  A coworker said to me the other day "Quit talking about that evil" when I cheerfully remarked it was finally snowing.  I get that many people hate the troubles the snow brings; such as cold, bad traffic, difficulty getting anywhere, and slippery sidewalks to name a few.  I think too many people become very sedentary in winter as it's tempting to bundle up and stay in once the white stuff falls.

I wish they could experience the snow from my perspective.  I woke up to a beautiful, white, crisp, and peaceful world.  With the snow still coming down just hard enough to make things fun but not sleety or bad enough for it to be a difficult run.  I was so excited to have the day off and be able to meet friends for a romp through the snowy woods.   It's not too cold if you wear the right layers, and keep moving, and hand and toe warmers definitely help.  I had a great time exploring Stinchfield's trails with the help of Jason.  Nice tall pine sections were serene and quiet in the snowfall.  Lots of hills!  These trails are a good hill workout and it didn't take much effort to stay warm. 
We found the infamous old car abandoned in the middle of the woods.  No one seems to know how it got there, but it's fun to speculate.

 I myself used to hate the cold weather and had knees that would ache in the cold.  Moving can help, I no longer have achy knees in the winter since I started running.  And you don't have to run to enjoy the winter. You might enjoy hiking, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, sledding; Heck I even have friends who still Kayak in the winter.  There is a great big winter wonderland out there waiting to be enjoyed.  My friends and I chatted about the change of seasons and how  the woods can be a completely different place covered in a serene blanket of snow.    I used to hate winter, and it is now my favorite season.
Let It Snow!!!

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