Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dawn Sisters Again

It's been several weeks since I have been able to run, first because of a sprained ankle, then feeling under the weather which snowballed into a  bad cold.  Finally after several weeks I was able to get back to the trails.  I find we have transitioned back into cold, dark fall mornings and head lamp running season. 
Sadly I have not spent much time unpacking our bedroom and the den and most of the winter running gear seems to be missing.  I also couldn't find our headlamps and had to settle for a moderately bright flashlight.   I did luckily have a new pair of electric hand warmers to try out! 

Side Note review of Celestron hand warmers:  They are a little bulky but I could mostly ignore the extra weight. I couldn't carry my handheld water bottle with them but I could manage the flashlight. Bonus they are rechargeable, yay renewable energy! The best feature?  It was easy to turn them off and on without taking off my gloves.  I am very happy with how they kept my hands warm enough that I did not develop any chilblains today.

I was able to join my Dawn running sister Leslie for the first time in months. 
The miles flew by as we shared stories of our summer adventures, she's been killing the long miles and completed her first 50k!!  We also talked of  training plans and races for next years running season, could there be a 50 miler or 100k in the works for next year?!?

There is something about starting out in the dark and watching the light gradually seep back into the world.  When you are surrounded by the dark woods and you are focused on a narrow spot of light on the trail ahead, it is a great time for introspection.   Fall seems like a time of reflection as evidenced by some of today's pictures on the trail. ( More thoughts in a later post)

We are both still recovering and the five mile slow roll together was a perfect way to start the day.  Bring on the winter training plans!  I have really missed being on the trails with friends and hope to make this a weekly habit.
I stopped and caught this one on the way home.  I think I got some funny looks from people driving  by who did not have time to stop and admire the scene.

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