Sunday, August 17, 2014

Island Lake Run

Back on my home trail again.  Great run out at Island Lake but a very different feel than the remote, serene forests up north.  The North Country Trail had an isolated peaceful feeling.  Knowing you're miles from any road and not being unable to point in the direction of the nearest sign of civilization is somehow freeing.  Tonight's run felt good and I pushed myself knowing exactly where I was and which way the trail would turn, but a part of me wishes I had more time and money to run away up north and escape the traffic noise...and the bikers.  : )  
I managed to take only 3 walk breaks.  Halfway up the biggest hill I started walking the rest of the way, then jumping to the side twice for bikers.  Other than that I was able to keep going for the full 6 miles.  I was going to take a 2 min walk break at the 3 mile mark but felt fine and kept going to 4. Thought I would walk at 4 miles but I was in a good rhythm and just wanted to keep going.  At 5 miles I only had a mile left to go and thought why walk now I can do another mile, and was even able to pick up my pace to 11:30 min/miles for the last 3/4 of a mile.  finished the trail at a hour and 20 min for an average 13:33 pace.  My knees are stiff, but I didn't push myself too hard because I'm not getting any GI track issues tonight.  
O.K. Next time I'm taking the whole hill : )

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