Saturday, November 2, 2019

Winners forget they're in a race they just love to run.

That saying was in a friend's fortune cookie this week and I adopted it for my motto for today's race. 

Several years ago when I first started running I had a favorite fall trail race called Hidden Forest. It was through the woods and around the lake at Independence Oaks at the beginning of November.  Sadly they stopped holding that race a few years back and I had not found a replacement.  This left me feeling a bit incomplete as I usually bracket my race season with Trailfest in the spring and Hidden Forest in the fall.  I am excited to report that I have found another fall race that offered similar rolling hills and autumn trees surrounding beautiful still water. There was also lots of friends and bonfires and music at the end.  I really hope Running Fit holds this race again next year!
On to the report, in regards to the title.  One of the things I have a terrible time with is when I am feeling slowed down with my anemia, it's much harder to run and I am much more slow.  Being passed by runners I could normally keep up with is frustrating and sends me mentally to a bad place where I struggle not to beat myself up about not doing better. 
I was happy I didn't have a big time limit. With this race I could finish in time for festivities if I walked it. No pressure to go a certain speed to make me feel more frustrated with myself.  Every time I was leapfrogged or passed by another runner I distracted myself with the reminder of the motto; Winners forget they are in a race.... Instead I focused on why I was really there; 

 I was there to smell the wonderful scent of fall leaves, pine needles and frosty air.  I was there to see the beautiful fall colors and wonder at this lovely trail and world that I live in. 
I was there to laugh with friends and cheer others on as we pushed through 10.7 miles or more. I was there to laugh and sing and chase my husband through the woods, to feel like a kid again, to fall in love with running again.


I think I prevailed, in spite of fatigue, sore knees, and struggling with shortness of breath. I had a wonderful time and shared the day with many positive and encouraging souls. I was able to shout encouragement to others as they passed and sing and laugh my way through the woods.  It was the best of times and my smile at the finish shows the day was a success. I may not have won any awards but I feel like a winner!

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