Sunday, March 26, 2017

20 mile run gone to the dogs

Let us say conditions were not ideal, 45 degrees and intermittent pouring rain is not the best weather for me to run in.  Keeping my feet and hands warm enough becomes a challenge when they are soaking wet and then throw in a tough 20 mile slog through mud with intermittent foot pain and it's rough to keep my spirits up.  I think it would have been miserable if I had been alone and I am very grateful for the companionship of great friends Leslie, Cindy, and Erin who helped cheer me on and gave me a reason to keep my  positive juices flowing as I cheered them on in turn.

Fun parts of the run:
Pacing along with a group who had a Blue Heeler.  That crazy cheerful dog raced up and down the line of us checking in on the lead runner, pacing along side Leslie for a bit, then chasing into the woods then racing back to travel up and down the line of us, checking we were all there.  It must have been putting in three times as many miles as we were with a happy grin on his face in spite of mud and rain.

Taking goofy photos
 Climbing the Jurassic park fence. Leslie: "Are you sure it isn't an electric fence?" Me: "I'm sure it's not but if you hear a hum let go quick!"

Cindy also took a movie of me dancing and singing "Singing In The Rain".  I'm actually pretty proud that I had the energy left to dance at the 16 mile mark. Honestly it had just started to pour again as we were waiting to take turns at the outhouse and the singing and dancing was an attempt to keep warm and not cramp up.  It worked rather well and got a laugh from Cindy.

We ran into another dog about a mile from the finish, a beautiful Shepard husky mix who's owner gave us treats to hand out.  I was mean and made him work for them.  He was happy to sit and shake for treats and was a good reminder of the simple joy of just being out there on the trail.
They say you learn more about yourself from your bad runs than your good.  I'm not sure I would classify this as my worst run, but it was definitely not my best.  It is nice to know I can still laugh, sing, cheer others on and appreciate the stories and cheerful greetings of those I meet on the trail. Even when cold, wet, and in pain I can make it 20 miles.  The next 20 may not be easier but I know I will have laughter, stories, and friends to get me through.

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