Saturday, February 25, 2017

16 Miles and the need for a translator

Today was the longest run since I trained for the Trail Marathon last year.  16  miles on the Potowatami trail in Pinckney. Good times with friends, smiles, laughter, singing and cheering each other on. In many ways it was not as rough on me as last week's 14 mile, but I was still happy to finish.  The extra hydration and salt tablets I think helped prevent the cramping I had last week. After 14 miles, my inner thighs cramped so bad I couldn't stand up.  Last week I came home, showered, ate then collapsed on the couch for an hour and half nap.  This week I fared a bit better, no nap however my legs were a bit like jello and I had a need for a translator.  When texting a friend I wasn't catching either my typos or the auto correct before sending, and the conversation was a bit nonsensical.  This inspired the idea that we need a google translate for runners after a marathon.  I am pretty sure it may be just translating a series of grunts and groans at first, maybe something like this:

AAAAUUUGG-  Leg cramp!, Leg Cramp! get ice.

Mmmsohugry - Hungry, no really hungry.  Quick hand me a pickle or jar of olives or dump salt on something and I will eat it!

Oooyezz! Boorah!-  OMG I can stop now I did it! please move aside so I can fall over.

Oh my ass - My glutes hurt too much to squat to pee.

stairs?srssly? - where's the elevator, I don't think I can climb those.

Beerme - please hand me the alcohol of choice, I need muscle relaxant pronto.

That's all I can think of for now, maybe more will come to me later, really when you finish a marathon it's all about the food, drink, and falling over all the while laughing at yourself and your shaky muscles while reminiscing about the race with friends who where just as crazy and feeling just as thrilled to finish as you.

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