Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Jenna And The Troublmaker

 Today's blog is brought to you by Steve Hoyer, who is bravely taking on the task of updating people when I am feeling to overwhelmed, or tired to do so.  Thank you Steve for taking care of me and keeping others informed of developments.

We saw a GI cancer specialist today. Dr. Philip of Karmanos Cancer Center.  He reviewed all of her test results and PET scan 3D imaging. His opinion, with significant weight of years and experience treating these kinds of cancers, is that her doctor at St. Joe is on the right track at this time. Because the cancer is both large and in a bad position it is inoperable. It has also spread throughout all lobes of the liver. There are more than 20 lesions, some of significant size (one is over 5 cm long). There are also signs throughout the other organs that it may be trying to establish itself in other places.

Surgery only fixes one spot. Even if they did surgery to remove her whole stomach, the cancer would still be in her liver and trying to get into other places.

The treatment for now, needs to be the drug therapy. This way, the treatment is delivered to all of her organs and can start fighting the cancer everywhere, all at once. 

If Jen responds *very exceptionally well* to the drug therapy then, to quote Dr. Philip, "Maybe, maybe maybe, there may be a case to seek surgery in the future. I said maybe three times there." Even with that surgery, because of the perfusion of cancer, it would still likely be to extend life, not cure the disease. We are not there at this time. Again, to quote Dr. Philip, "No surgeon will operate right now."

Regarding the drug therapy, for this, we will be seeking treatment with Dr. Mackler at St. Joe. He has an office in Brighton as well as Ann Arbor and it will make appointments easier. We've authorized the sharing of information between these two doctors and have been invited to consult with Dr. Philip at Karmanos at any time as treatment progresses.

As much as we want a magic pill or miracle surgery for Jennifer, and no one wants it more than me (except, I suppose, for Jennifer herself), it is not available at this time, regardless of what WebMD says.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update Steve - Continued prayers for you as you work through how to defeat cancer. I love you Jenna. Hang in there sweetie.
