Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Spirited Away at Proud Lake

There are days when work is dragging me down with patients who require a lot of emotional energy to work with them, it leaves me feeling like a limp rag at the end of the day.  Couple that with some sad news about a friend and former coworker and then the stress of selling and buying a house, and I don't feel up to running at the end of the day.  I really feel like going home, collapsing on the couch, giving in to the blurch (See The Oatmeal) and eating lots of chocolate. Stepping out of work, however, the wind in the trees and the beautiful sunny day called to me, and I knew I would feel better if I spent some time in the woods.

Near the beginning of the trail I was greeted by a strange spirit on top of a sign post.

You never know what you will run into on the trail, it was a friendly if rude creature.

I seemed to have some trouble picking my feet up this run, I somehow managed to turn my left ankle once (not badly, I could keep going) and I kept snagging my toes and tripped several times on roots that I swear were not there seconds ago.

But the temperature was perfect and the breeze kept the mosquitoes away. and I could feel my worries melt away with the miles.

The greens of the woods were stunning, and the wind, water and bird song remind me that I'm working to sell and buy a house to have this in my backyard when I get home.
In the end the stress and work will be worth it.

I again found the handy work of trickster spirits when I came across this signpost and could not make sense of it.  It was pointing back up the trail where I came from saying that I had come from 12, when I know I had just come from 17.  I spent several minutes contemplating if I had run farther than I thought and missed a sign, when I realized someone had loosened the sign post and turned it around to face the wrong direction.  I moved it back to the correct position and hoped I wouldn't run into anymore tricky spirits on the trail today.

Overall a lovely run and mostly all to myself.  I finished 5 miles feeling refreshed, relaxed, and in much better spirits than when I started.

Into the woods I go to lose my mind and find my soul.   May all my friends find their own way to inner peace.  Good bye Dana, thank you for all you taught me in the short time I knew you.  You were one of the best PT's it was my honor and privilege to work with. May your final journey bring you peace and joy.

Bright Blessings my friends.

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