Monday, May 26, 2014

Thoughts On A 50k training

   I am now looking forward to my first 50k, (yah I'm at that level of crazy) not sure I'm ready for the miles though and having some serious doubts as I peruse the few training plans I have been able to find on line.    Just went through another vein ablation surgery and the Dr. insists I need to take it slow working back into training, with a 2 week break.  it's been 4 weeks since the marathon and technicly I should be starting to train for the 50k, this break will set me behind with only 13 weeks to train.  Ouch!  
     I've decided to focus on light stregth training during the time I'm not allowed to run, HR training with fast walking, and trying to finagle 16 weeks of training down to 13.  Really my best hope is that as usual I am not focused on speed as much as I am just hoping to finish.  

Things to focus on strengthening:
- L. glut and hamstring seem noticably weaker than right when performing single leg sit to stands or single leg bridge up. (I'm considering buying the Kinetic Revolution hip training program)
- I had a lot of issues with ankle turning on the trail, closed chain ankle stabilizing exercises. Including some jump rope.  here's an interesting drill:
- Core!  working on 3 different 15 min routines I can do every morning while waiting for the coffee to brew.  More details later.  One will involve some ballet core work doing side V- ups with kick backs and kick outs.

I don't want to lose sight of how important the strength training is and plan on adding it into the training program.  More on that later as I finish getting it written up.  Well I'm off to take the dog for an evening walk! 


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