Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lesson in adding miles

For new runners....what not to do...really!

I just started running last year, mostly as a way to destress.  I am told by those with more experience not to increase my distance by more than 10% at a time.  I am very bad at following this rule.  The first time I broke it was early on when I was tired of repeating this little 1 mile circle of trail for 4 miles.  The whole trail was 6 and I thought to myself if I can do 4 in an hour I should be able to do 6 in an hour and a half right?  uhhh yeah, took closer to 2 hrs and it was well and truely by the time I finished.  Recovery over the next few days wasn't fun, and I have tried to be nicer to myself since then.
Last weekend I was supposed to run my first 10 mi, got lost and ran 15 instead.  Thinking back, I enjoyed the majority of it.  The weather was nice and crisp, trees just starting to change, a really lovely day for the first 13 mi.  The last two were pretty rough, cramping gastrocs, burning pain in both hips, and a lovely snapping sensation every time I raised my right leg.  Stumbled across the finish, running mostly because it hurt more to walk.  But I did it, and was glad that I reached the half marathon mark in relatively good condition.
The rest of Saturday was a lot of icing down , stretching unfortunately brought on pretty bad cramping.  And though by now I'm no longer sore, I have been feeling punked out and easily tired all week almost like I was fighting off a cold.  
Lesson learned.....don't overdo it, and from now on carry a map!  : )

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nefarious Meatballs

After going mostly vegan for the last two years, I have granted my daughter's birthday wish and made my famous meatballs.   The smell is driving me crazy, it has taken the better part of four hours to make a triple batch.  And I admit to eating two of them to test for flavoring....I am so going to hurt tomorrow!

Jenna's Meatballs

6 slices of white bread
1 1/2 cup of milk
3 lbs lean ground beef
2 lbs ground turkey
1 1/2 cup chopped onion
1 1/2 cup grated parmesean
3/ 4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
4 - 5 garlic cloves chopped
3 Tbs dried Oregano
3Tbs dried Basil
1 Tbs fresh ground pepper
1-2 tsp of salt

1. break up bread and soak in milk for 5 min.  shred soaked bread with for and squeeze out excess milk.  Mix bread and all other ingredients
2.  Roll balls of 2 - 3 Tbs size and place in rows of  4 on jelly roll pan, pour thin layer of beef or veggie broth over pan(approximately 1 cup) and bake at 350 for 20 min.