Saturday, March 3, 2018

Friends Old and New

This morning I really was not feeling it.   The combination of speed work yesterday and a late night with friends last night, made skipping out on a run and sleeping in sound very tempting.  I forced myself to get up and meet the group but if I didn't have a group run I probably would have listened to the blerch (See the Oatmeal: and skipped it.

Here's the morning huddle in the cold 23 degree morning, I'm the bandit on the end breathing through my buff to keep warm.  Everyone was stomping and swing legs and jumping up and down to keep muscles warm before the run today.  What a difference from my Tuesday's night run in Lotta Breeze Capris (Skirt Sports of course!) and a long sleeve shirt.  Today we are back to winter layers! Living in Michigan means embracing the odd seasonal yo-yo of is it warm or cold today.

Don't get me wrong, I love the snow and snow sports and living in Michigan. Winter weather can create some amazingly beautiful sunrises that I wouldn't be awake to appreciate if I were not getting up for a run..  Thank You Toni Reese for this lovely shot!
I had the good fortune to run with someone new this morning who kept me motivated to keep my pace up with good conversation about our family's love of music.  We both had our classical music education from old Bugs Bunny cartoons as most american children of our generation did.  Thank you Chuck Jones animator and director of Bugs Bunny.

Today's run was a short and sweet 4 miles to save my legs for tomorrow's long run on trails.   I said goodbye to my companion at the turn around. (Sadly I suck and don't remember his name, maybe Mike? I will need to ask at the next group run.)  As I was heading back I ran across other friends getting a later start and just heading out.  All of them waved and we shouted out encouragement.  Hi fives exchanged across the path with "I know You" shouted back and forth as we passed. 

There is a girls scout song that goes "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold".  Today's run was silver and gold, silver snow, golden sun, and silver friends with golden smiles!